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Pixelflowart: Exploring Art Through Technology

Interview with Pixelflowart – Daniel Nobre

Daniel Nobre, the creative mind behind Pixelflowart, draws inspiration from his roots in Bahia, Brazil – a vibrant hub of cultural diversity.

Influenced by artists like Tyler Hobbs and Mjlindow, Daniel merges coding with artistry to create captivating digital works.

His creative process begins with a movement of unconscious tests and projections about the first lines of code, where the code brings impulses and the impulses create more codes, before immersing himself in the works of other artists. Then, he enters a state of contemplation where ideas flow freely.

For Daniel, art is a gateway to freedom, transcending boundaries and inviting self-expression.

He believes that artists play a vital role in society, using their work to provoke reflection and inspire change.

Over time, Daniel’s practice has evolved, adapting to new experiences while remaining rooted in the pursuit of creative liberation.

In the world of Pixelflowart, innovation and creativity converge to push the boundaries of artistic expression.